Sonic M.D.
Sonic M.D.
"The Cure for your Audio Ailments"
"The Cure for your Audio Ailments"

What is an Event Technology Specialist?
What is an Event Technology Specialist?
Although sound reinforcement, lighting and video projection systems have been around for decades, the effective use of these technologies is still far from consistent from one event to another. For example:
- Have you ever been to a wedding where you couldn't hear the minister?
- Have you ever had to leave a reception in order to have a conversation because the DJ was playing way too loud?
- Have you ever seen a performance marred by distorted audio, excessive feedback, or poor coverage of the listening area?
- Has Windows ever interrupted your PowerPoint presentation to inform you (and your audience) that updates were ready to be installed?
The Cure

Sonic M.D. offers the best preventive for these kinds of technology related ailments. What sets us apart is years of professional experience supporting events such as religious services, outdoor weddings, musical theatre, choral concerts, company parties and banquets.
What do these situations have in common? The top priority in all of them is not how loud everything can be, but rather, making sure the core message, whether sung or spoken, can be understood throughout the listening area.
Our work has taken us into venues of all shapes and sizes, some with less than agreeable acoustics. Our proven ability to rise to the challenge has made us a favorite among event planners and performers alike. For presentations, we offer wireless microphones and dedicated computer systems, optimized solely for presentation work and rigorously maintained to ensure there will be no surprises.
Although we are passionate about our work, we understand that audiovisual technology is not an end in itself. People don't come to concerts, weddings, meetings or other such gatherings to see us or our technology. Our role is to form a reliable, transparent connection between you and your audience, and we delight in doing it well.
Listed on ProductionHUB.com in Audio Technicians in Wisconsin